Mozilla Teach

Mozilla’s Webmaker project engaged an audience of educators and learners from around the world. Using the Foundation’s web-based tools to learn HTML/CSS and video editing, community members created a plethora of teaching materials and resources. Our platform housed those resources and made them easier to use and find. The website was a calling card for the conceptual underpinnings of the mission, the Web Literacy Map, as well as a safe gathering place for those who valued digital literacy.

My role: UX/UI, Art Direction
Team: Mozilla Foundation

Early, fast iterations were tested in formal and informal scenarios, the feedback from which informed much of our strategy, process, UX/UI and technical decisions. A challenge I had was getting the team to listen to the research, so I experimented with fast ways of producing content that would better engage designers, devs and managers to conenct with feedback from our users.

In addition to creating core curriculum design templates, the Mozilla team worked for a long time on a badging system to reward learning and teaching behaviors. I helped design and test the systems for acquiring, displaying, and connecting badges as well as the actual badge competencies, names, and visuals.

Orlando, Fla.